Breeding can be very profitable if done correctly and for the right reasons. I started out learning the craft with children’s and carpets and am still learning new things after all these years. I am not a rich man financially from it, but I am rich from experience, the knowledge I have gained and the friends I have made along the journey.
From starting with children’s and carpets I have the collection I do today and didn't need to pay a cent out of my own pocket. The proceeds from my breeding effort goes straight back into my hobby for better caging, better species as desired, food for my collection, money put aside for vet visits and checks and equipment etc.
The way most go or the trend I’ve noticed and am guilty of myself, is you get your 1st herp, fall in love, become addicted or as my wife would say 'obsessed' then get one of everything. Learn your craft, know your animals needs, then breeding is then the next natural step in the progression of things.
My only words of advice, after you go through the one of everything stage as there aren’t many pythons out there that I haven't been fortunate kept at some stage, is pick a species or particular line and focus on the quality of your collection over the quantity. If your husbandry is good and you have healthy pythons and you've met their requirement not yours, there is nothing more satisfying or exciting then watching your girl ovulate, become gravid, lay eggs, successfully hatch those eggs, raise those hatchies and sell or give away to the next keen herper to promote and grow this awesome hobby. I get no better kick then raising healthy happy hatchies and am sad to see them go as sadly you can't keep em all.
There will always be those in it for a quick buck or who are dodgy. They are usually found out fairly fast and leave the hobby even faster then they got into it, that’s just life and the nature of the beast.
Do your research and buy from someone you trust.
So I say breed your jungle if you wish, the learning experience from it is amazing and pass on that knowledge to promote this hobby because there is not a better hobby out there.
Good luck with it whatever you choose as it is a nice looking jungle and as far as snakes appearance goes looks are subjective. What doesn’t appeal to you will appeal to someone else.
That’s my 2 cents worth and time to get off my soap box

good luck with it…