should i breed

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Not so new Member
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Nth Qld
now i have bought a young jungle as my first snake and she didnt cost much at all i was just wondering is there much point to breeding her when shes older because ive seen some of the awesome jungles on here and she doesnt seem that spectacular. also with jungles is there chances at different patterns then displayed on the parents or is it pretty uniform with the parents.
or would i just be better off keeping her as a pet (shes really placid) and buying a different breeding pair later on.
Why do you feel the need to breed?
Its a nice critter and will make a nice "pet"
its a nice snake, id be happy with that! imo id keep it as a pet and maybe start breeding when you have a few years experience, its harder then most people think
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ok thank you for the advice i wanted to breed because i like the idea of having babies and seeing what they look like then finally saying goodbye when theyre sold and then knowing that there is a couple more jungles out there. =) i love jungles i live in east palmerston and im forever moving wild ones off the road so they dont get smooshed
i got the time and room probably not so much the money as i just bought a new car xD
no one can give you the right answer ...enjoy your new snake and see where it takes you!
not saying dont..just give it some time and you will know if its for you or not! :D
its a lil good looker nice markings hope you enjoy it like your new car hahaha :)
If you know what you're doing, and are aware of what you're getting into, then I don't see why not.

If you have the room and the money for all the required materials, feed and equipment - AND know what you're doing and have the time to do it all, you'll be fine :)
I think breeding is the obvious next step. Keeping 1 or 2 is that easy that it doesn`t take long to want more of a challenge. Whether thats breeding or getting a bigger collection depends on the individual. I know myself I used to breed birds so naturally breeding is the path I will eventually take.

P.S. Don`t take the easy statement to literal. I mean its not like other hobbies, doesn`t take a lot of time to give basic care.
things to remember (in my opinion)

it is extremely difficult if not impossible to make money breeding snakes. (I have bred staffords and we have just come to a stopping point and are $2500 BEHIND and other breeders told me hubby and I have done very well)

To be an ethical breeder of any really should be aiming to improve the animal you are breeding....and you should have an idea in your mind of what you are aiming for.

Also the are ALL PETS at the end of the day !! Even the really spectacular animals are still pets.

Also dont make the mistake I did with my dogs.....go slowly......dont buy heaps of animals and then find you dont have enough room....remember you will want to keep something from your first clutch.

Also an animal that is 'ordinary looking' might come from a really outstanding line and can throw babies better than themselves...and vice versa a lovely looking animal can throw really ordinary looking babies.......your girl looks lovely...but i know what you mean...she isnt spectacular.......but she may have really beautiful babies so dont count her out yet.

Do lots of reading on the list people post about their breeding escapades all the time and get a good book on breeding and read that as well so you know what you are getting yourself into.

I am still thinking about what I want to do...whether I will breed or not...I am starting to get a clear idea in my head about what I want to achieve if I was to boy is 6 months old and my girl 7 months and so i have lots of time to wait and see

Good Luck

i was just wondering is there much point to breeding her when shes older because ive seen some of the awesome jungles on here and she doesnt seem that spectacular.
IMO I wouldn't worry too much about that if you just want to try breeding for your own interest rather than making a lot of money. There are heaps of people who are new to the hobby (such as me) who buy their reptiles just to keep as pets with no intention of getting into breeding for a long time if at all. Therefore, they're not so worried about getting the most amazing/rare colours and patterns.
Breeding can be very profitable if done correctly and for the right reasons. I started out learning the craft with children’s and carpets and am still learning new things after all these years. I am not a rich man financially from it, but I am rich from experience, the knowledge I have gained and the friends I have made along the journey.

From starting with children’s and carpets I have the collection I do today and didn't need to pay a cent out of my own pocket. The proceeds from my breeding effort goes straight back into my hobby for better caging, better species as desired, food for my collection, money put aside for vet visits and checks and equipment etc.

The way most go or the trend I’ve noticed and am guilty of myself, is you get your 1st herp, fall in love, become addicted or as my wife would say 'obsessed' then get one of everything. Learn your craft, know your animals needs, then breeding is then the next natural step in the progression of things.

My only words of advice, after you go through the one of everything stage as there aren’t many pythons out there that I haven't been fortunate kept at some stage, is pick a species or particular line and focus on the quality of your collection over the quantity. If your husbandry is good and you have healthy pythons and you've met their requirement not yours, there is nothing more satisfying or exciting then watching your girl ovulate, become gravid, lay eggs, successfully hatch those eggs, raise those hatchies and sell or give away to the next keen herper to promote and grow this awesome hobby. I get no better kick then raising healthy happy hatchies and am sad to see them go as sadly you can't keep em all.

There will always be those in it for a quick buck or who are dodgy. They are usually found out fairly fast and leave the hobby even faster then they got into it, that’s just life and the nature of the beast.
Do your research and buy from someone you trust.

So I say breed your jungle if you wish, the learning experience from it is amazing and pass on that knowledge to promote this hobby because there is not a better hobby out there.

Good luck with it whatever you choose as it is a nice looking jungle and as far as snakes appearance goes looks are subjective. What doesn’t appeal to you will appeal to someone else.

That’s my 2 cents worth and time to get off my soap box :) good luck with it…
dont think to much about breeding yet takes maybe a few years for a hatchie to mature but you seem to be breeding for the right reasons not just the money side but just read what you can one day try breeding yes it great to see the hatchies as they change
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