I don't think the food option is viable with unwanted/unhealthy jag siblings or any euthanised reptile.
Personally, I would not risk the use of euthanised siblings for reptile fodder. Retroviruses and other nasties can tolerate freezing temperatures for prolonged periods and could prove to be a fatal snack for your python if present.
You would be taking a similar amount of risk bringing new reptiles into a collection without any quarantine measures.
Aspidites species would not appreciate the little ray of 'Sunshine' that could be unwillingly added to their evening meal :shock:
Just remember..
I - insufficient
B - breakfast
D - diet
O - over
P - priced
M -
V - veal.
This is by no means an attack on jag breeders. I am attacking the use of all reptiles as fodder for the quarantine principle. The acronyms are just for fun

Waste not want not..