Lol weird, the government take reptile keeping way too seriously. And very likely just for extra money from people.... Reptiles are normal pets just like cats, dogs, fish, horses, etc. Just not as popular since everyone has different interests in pets. This licensing, fee stuff is bull*****. They want us to pay them to keep our own pets and making everything more & more complicated even if the animal is clearly in a good environment, happy, healthy. Far out it costs enough just for the pet alone

Yes, you need to make sure you have all the correct equipment for your reptile but come on.. they are taking it way too far. Its not like people are keeping them cruely. People put a lot of time, money and effort in to make sure their pet has the best life possible. I think people should just make sure they can look after their reptile responsibly, and be over 18 when they purchase etc. and have proof of the right equipment... then leave it at that. And if someone sees or knows of a reptile (or just like any pet at all anyway) being mistreated or in poor condition/environment, then report it and THAT should be when the law comes in. Making people pay to keep them constantly and bothering them about changing things and unneccessarily buying different things, charging all these fees etc, is just ridiculous! The only reason people REALLY need licenses is for emergency/vet purposes. Otherwise its just pointless..... They're normal pets! And people who cant provide all their things dont even bother getting them! (well I havent seen it anyway) Ughh..