And with that use of the term you are almost openly encouraging taking from the wild. How else would one know if they have anything pure? God forbid someone back all those years ago didn't have the exact same 2 locales of Tully Cheynei..... In your definition wouldn't a Tully Cheynei from one side of the Gorge and a Tully Cheynei from the other side of the Gorge bred and be a hybrid???? Pfffffttttt...
You are fooling yourself if you think mixing locales isnt making unnatural hybrids, its unrealistic to expect to somehow maintain a captive population that exactly represtents the wild type anyway. Ppl will breed what they see as desirable, in most cases that is whatever looks nice. There are very few hard set lines in nature, breeding things together just because they are currently given the same name doesnt really mean its anymore pure than something that is currently described as another subspecies. If you could somehow generate a map showing genetic variation in carpet pythons it isnt going to be nice little clear cut lines with dramatic change on a particular line, but rather a fairly continous blend across the whole range with the process of evolution making sure each is adapted to its particular area.